Bonete Raicilla Costa 750ML
Bonete Raicilla Costa 750ML
Bonete Raicilla Costa is an extraordinary spirit meticulously crafted with 60% maguey Chico Aguillar (agave Angustifolia Haw) and 40% maguey Amarillo (agave Rhodacantha). Its creation begins with the agave being cooked in an underground conical oven, lending it an earthy richness that is characteristic of traditional Mexican spirits.
The next step in the process involves fermentation in open-air tubs, taking advantage of wild yeasts to impart natural and distinct flavors. This raicilla then undergoes a double distillation on wooden stills carved from the sacred Oyamel tree, introducing more nuanced flavors to the spirit.
The star of the distillation process, however, is the rare and exotic Bonete tree trunk (Jacaratia Mexicana), native only to Mexico's Pacific coast. The use of this tree trunk during the distillation introduces a unique flavor profile that remains unparalleled by modern, high-efficiency stills. Despite the Bonete's low yield and short lifespan, producers in Jalisco are incredibly proud to continue this ancient practice, viewing it as essential to upholding their cultural heritage.
Master distiller Joaquin Solis crafts this outstanding Raicilla using Bonete, a slender, tropical tree that requires six months to mature and produces a fruit cherished by local jungle fauna, including bats. This exclusive and exotic spirit is only available in the United States, symbolizing the richness of Mexico's cultural heritage.
Product Features
- Agave Mix: 60% maguey Chico Aguillar (agave Angustifolia Haw) and 40% maguey Amarillo (agave Rhodacantha)
- Cooking: Underground Conical Oven
- Fermentation: Open-air tubs with wild yeasts
- Distillation: Twice on wooden stills carved from the Oyamel tree
- Region: Jalisco, Mexico
Bonete Raicilla Costa is a true celebration of tradition, a unique blend of flavors, and a tribute to the unwavering dedication of Jalisco's distillers. Each sip offers an authentic taste of Mexico's vibrant cultural heritage, providing an unmatched experience for spirit connoisseurs.
Frequently Asked Questions
Is all your inventory online?
We try to keep the store as updated as possible, but we always get new shipments. So if you don't see what you are looking for, send an email, and we'll check to see what Moose is hiding in the back room.
Why is beer available as in-store pick-up only?
Our temperature-controlled storage systems preserve beer's quality and flavor until pickup. By maintaining precise refrigeration, we protect each batch's unique characteristics and ensure customers receive the freshest possible product.
However, due to the challenges of maintaining consistent temperature during shipping, we exclusively offer in-store pickup for our craft beers.
What is the difference between Tequila & Mezcal?
Tequila is a type of mezcal, much like how scotch and bourbon are types of whiskey.
Tequila and mezcal are both types of agave-based spirits that are popular in Mexico, but there are some key differences between the two. Tequila is made exclusively from the blue agave plant, which is primarily grown in the area surrounding the city of Tequila, about 40 miles northwest of Guadalajara. Mezcal, on the other hand, can be made from any type of agave plant, and is often made using traditional, labor-intensive methods.
One of the most noticeable differences between tequila and mezcal is their flavor. Tequila is typically smooth and subtle, with hints of fruit and spices, while mezcal has a more complex, smoky flavor that comes from the roasting of the agave hearts before they are fermented and distilled.
Another difference between the two spirits is their production process. Tequila is typically made using modern industrial methods, while mezcal is often produced using traditional techniques that have been passed down for generations. This can give mezcal a more authentic, artisanal character.
In general, tequila is considered to be a more refined and sophisticated spirit, while mezcal is often viewed as a more rustic and traditional drink. Both are popular in Mexico and are enjoyed around the world, so the best way to decide which one you like is to try them both and see which one suits your tastes.
Where do you ship to?
Currently, we only ship within California.
Our rates are applicable for orders up to six bottles.
Please contact us directly to calculate bulk shipping options.
California Proposition 65 Warning
Drinking distilled spirits, beer, coolers, wine and other alcoholic beverages may increase cancer risk, and, during pregnancy, can cause birth defects.
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